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Eye Injury Lawyer in Omaha

Vision Loss and Your Rights as an Accident Victim in Omaha

Out of our five senses, vision is often considered the most important… and the most devastating to lose. Sustaining an eye injury can severely limit your ability to make a living, restrict your freedom and mobility, and cause lifelong pain and suffering. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) reports that there are approximately 2.4 million eye injuries each year in the United States.

You need to know that when another person or company is responsible for what happened to you, you can ask them to pay for the damage they cause. Call an Omaha vision loss attorney at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. at (402) 505-8234 and we can discuss your legal options in a free, no-obligation consultation.

What Causes Eye Injuries?

Damage to the eye is often complex, and requires specialized doctors and surgeries to fix. Some people are able to fully recover from their injuries, but many suffer permanent impairments to their vision. These catastrophic injuries are often caused by:

In addition, something like a traumatic brain injury can also affect your sight. Some of the symptoms associated with vision injuries can include blurry or double vision, "floaters" or "auras" in the eyes, the inability to see up close (farsightedness), the inability to see far distances (nearsightedness), and feeling a burning sensation in the affected eye. Some common injuries include:

  • Corneal abrasion: When the surface of the eye is scratched. This can be caused by rubbing your own eye or having something poke the eye’s surface. Even though it sounds relatively minor, a corneal abrasion necessitates immediate medical attention to ensure that the eye does not become infected.
  • Blunt force trauma: Hyphemas, bruising/swelling, and traumatic iritis are all caused by being hit in the eye. A hyphema is when there is a bleed inside the eye (such as in the space between the iris and cornea) and it usually happens after a bone in the eye socket has been cracked or broken. Another common injury from blunt force trauma is the "black eye." This bruising is usually a minor injury, but a doctor should be seen nonetheless. Traumatic iritis is when the eye’s iris is inflamed, causing the colored part of the eye to swell. This can lead to permanent eye damage, so immediate medical attention is also necessary.
  • Penetration: Sometimes the eye’s surface can be penetrated by a foreign object. It may be tempting to immediately remove the object from the eye, but it is important to leave the object in place and seek immediate medical attention. Improper removal of the object can lead to further and permanent damage.

What Are Some Types of Medical Treatment?

Eyes are extraordinary. After the brain, the eyes are the most complex organ in the human body. The kind of medical treatment a person will require depends on the circumstances that caused the injury itself.

Immediately after any accident, observe each eye’s external condition to determine the extent of the damage, and go see a doctor. Some injuries to the cornea can be treated by first removing any foreign material and then by covering the eye with a patch to let the cornea heal. Additionally, antibiotic drops and ointments are commonly prescribed to prevent infections. In severe cases, surgery is necessary to correct the damage to the eye or to save the victim’s vision. Sometimes, victims of serious eye injuries must have long-term physical therapy. This treatment can become expensive very quickly and is also time-consuming.

Who Should Pay for Eye Injuries?

If you have been the victim of someone else’s negligence, which caused you to lose your vision or undergo medical treatment for your eye, you may have the right to pursue legal action and receive compensation for your:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Loss of income-earning ability;
  • Cost of medical treatment and bills; and
  • Future cost of medical treatment.

If you are interested in finding out about your options, please contact an Omaha personal injury attorney at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. by calling (402) 505-8234 for a case evaluation.

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