Nebraska Traffic Deaths in August Have More Than Doubled in a Year

According to the Nebraska Department of Transportation, August saw an unprecedented wave of traffic deaths in a summer that was already troubled by fatalities.
A total of 30 people perished on Nebraska roads in the month of August 2019. That statistic is 173% higher than the 11 traffic deaths recorded between August 1st and August 29th of 2018. Eight of the 30 were children.
This deadly August tops off a tragic summer in terms of traffic fatalities. The Nebraska Department of Transportation reported 23 fatal crashes in May, 23 in June, and 20 in July.
The legal team at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. is deeply troubled by these numbers. We feel that practicing safe and smart driving habits is crucial to making the roads and highways safer for everyone. That’s why we have compiled a list of safety tips to help all our fellow Nebraskans reach their destination without incident!
Driving Safety Tips
- Stay Alert – Actively pay attention to the road as well as your actions and those of the drivers around you. Staying alert and aware of your surroundings is the first line of defense, and probably the best one.
- Avoid Making Assumptions – Making assumptions about what another driver is going to do is a great way to get involved in an accident. You must not make the mistake of assuming a driver will do something, because if you are mistaken, it can result in a collision.
- Avoid Distractions – Adjusting the radio, using cell phones, eating or drinking, and interacting with passengers are just a few examples of the types of distractions that you should avoid when behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Driving distracted is one of the leading causes of car accidents nationwide. Whatever is trying to take your attention away from the road, it can wait.
- Buckle Your Seat Belt – Seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury to passengers in the front seat by 45%, and risk of critical injuries to passengers by 50%. When you don’t wear a seat belt, not only are you more likely to be injured or killed in an accident, you also violate the law, and can receive a ticket.
- Obey Speed Limits – Stick to the legal speed limits to protect the public and save lives. Restrictions on vehicle speed are not put in place frivolously – they’re chosen to minimize the risk of crashes for a certain stretch of road.
- Never Drive Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs – Avoid operating a motor vehicle if you have been drinking alcohol, taking specific types of prescription and/or non-prescription drugs, or are otherwise impaired. Driving impaired reduces your motor skills and reaction time, and greatly increases your chances of being involved in an accident.
- Yield the Right-of-Way – When other drivers have the right-of-way, you must yield to them. However, you should never make the mistake of assuming another driver will yield to you when required. Better to wait and make sure before proceeding.
An Omaha Car Accident Attorney Can Help!
We hope you are never involved in a traffic collision, but if you are, you need an experienced Omaha car accident attorney in your corner. The legal team at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. takes pride in helping victims of motor vehicle crashes get the justice they deserve. We assist them in putting their lives back together. If you need legal counsel, call our office at (402) 505-8234. We offer a free consultation and would be happy to hear about your case. Call Bottlinger Law L.L.C. today!
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