How Anti-Lock Brakes Can Cause Collisions
First invented for airplanes in the 1920s, and introduced to cars in the 70s, anti-lock brakes can be a useful safety feature for your vehicle. Their purpose is to prevent skidding during an emergency brake by preventing the wheels from locking up. They also provide a better means for steering during an emergency.
In 2022, anti-lock brakes are a standard car feature, with most cars in the U.S. being equipped with them.
However, in some instances, anti-lock brakes may be the cause of an accident. If you find yourself in this situation, you should contact Bottlinger Law L.L.C. to be connected with an experienced attorney.
How Do Anti-Lock Brakes Work?
Anti-lock brakes keep the wheels of your car from locking up while the car is braking. If the wheels lock up while a car is braking, the car can skid. This means that the driver has no control of the steering, which is a potentially fatal situation. Anti-lock brakes remedy this and help drivers to stay in control during dangerous situations.
Anti-lock brakes are great for slippery and icy conditions. Slippery roads make it a lot harder to brake hard, and a car without anti-lock brakes may find its wheels locking up and the vehicle spinning out. A car with an anti-lock braking system will be much safer and easier to drive in these types of conditions.
The anti-lock brake system works by using sensors on the wheels to detect when they are locking up. The system then electronically engages and releases the breaks extremely quickly, which prevents the wheels from locking up.
The speed at which the brakes are engaged and released is much faster than any driver could ever achieve. That is why the system can be so effective at preventing a car from spinning out.
How Can Anti-Lock Brakes Cause Accidents?
Despite being a key safety feature of a car, anti-lock brakes can be a contributing cause of accidents. This is due to the lack of education on how to use them properly. When the anti-lock brake is activated, the brake pedal will often shudder or push back, which is completely normal.
However, drivers who are not aware that this is standard may release their pressure on the brakes, which can cause a collision as the vehicle is now potentially traveling too fast for the conditions.
Additionally, no technology is perfect, which means there is a chance of the anti-lock brakes failing and causing a collision. This can happen due to manufacturing defects or in situations where all four wheels start locking at once and the system is overloaded.
It is important that you are familiar with your car’s anti-lock braking system to avoid a situation where they cause more harm than good. When you hear or feel the brakes vibrating or “chattering,” firmly hold the brake down and calmly steer the vehicle to a safe space. Knowing what to do in this situation can potentially save lives.
What Should You Do If You’ve Been Hurt in an Omaha Car Accident?
If you’ve been hurt in a car accident in Omaha, your first step should always be to call the police. From there, you must call a good Omaha car accident lawyer to assist you moving forward.
At Bottlinger Law L.L.C., we provide high-quality legal assistance to our clients. Our experienced attorneys have seen it all, and they can offer excellent advice that may help you.
If you think you’re in a position where legal advice and advocacy are needed, call us today at (402) 505-8234.
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