Elders and Dog Bites
Our furry best friends bring us a lot of joy, but all dogs are capable of making mistakes if they are scared, hurt, or confused, so dog attacks are an ever-present threat in modern society. Elderly victims are the second most common victim of dog bites in America. Often, the elder is attacked on their property while gardening or getting their mail. This is likely because seniors may present as weaker or slower and are thereby easier targets than others. Since attacks on seniors are generally unprovoked, these cases can be challenging to resolve. Contact an Omaha dog attack attorney immediately if you or a loved one has been injured by a dog.
Under the Nebraska Revised Statue 54-601, every dog owner is responsible for the injuries and damages their dogs may cause. Exceptions to this rule include police or military animals performing duties or if the injured person was unlawfully trespassing on the dog owner’s property at the time.
Elderly victims are the second most common victim of dog bites in America. Often, the elder is attacked on their property while gardening or getting their mail. This is likely because seniors may present as weaker or slower and are thereby easier targets than others. Since attacks on seniors are generally unprovoked, these cases can be challenging to resolve. Contact an Omaha personal injury lawyer immediately after if you or a loved one has been injured by a dog.
Our experienced lawyers at the Bottlinger Law L.L.C. can help you fight your Omaha dog bite case. Call our professionals at (402) 505-8234 to discuss your dog bite case today.
Legal Options for Elderly Dog Bite Victims
When attacked, it is only natural that elders may suffer more injuries than someone younger because they are often less physically capable of protecting themselves. There are also additional risks to seniors with diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, mobility problems, and other health concerns because the stress brought on by a dog attack is then more likely to cause heart attacks, strokes, and even wrongful death.
After a dog bite, you must talk to a lawyer as soon as possible to understand your legal rights. Nebraska protects victims against damages from all dogs. This can include the dog jumping on someone or destroying property as well as biting. Any injuries or damage is the responsibility of the dog owner.
Legal Process After an Omaha Dog Attack
Never approach or touch a dog that you do not know, especially if they are unleashed. Even when a dog is accompanied by their owner, it is still a good idea to ask before petting the animal. This could be because the dog has a habit of biting or a history of being dangerous. Either way, you are protected under Nebraska law.
If a dog has attacked you, your first action should be to seek medical attention. Medical professionals will treat your wound and help prevent the spread of diseases. If you are able, you should also document your attack by recording the dog owner’s name, telephone number, and insurance information. If you feel like you need to contact the authorities and file a report, do so immediately.
After receiving medical treatment, contact the pet owner’s insurance company to file a claim. If the pet owner has no pet owner’s insurance, then your damages should be covered by their homeowner’s insurance policy.
Pet owners or insurance policies commonly challenge the victim and claim that their dog was provoked or somehow was innocent in the situation. This may be an attempt to diminish or eliminate a payout. Contact a lawyer right after the attack to increase your chances of fair compensation.
Why You Need an Omaha Dog Bite Attorney
Dog bites can leave scars, cause infections, and even kill someone if the wound is severe enough. These attacks can be even more dangerous when an elder is involved. In Nebraska, dog owners are responsible for their pet’s actions, often regardless of negligence. However, getting a lawyer to help you prove your case is still imperative. The professional attorneys at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. can help you fight your dog bite case in court. Contact us at (402) 505-8234 to discuss your situation.
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