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Why You Should File a Hit and Run Claim

By Jason Bottlinger on February 4, 2020

Despite it being illegal, some drivers flee the scene of an accident. They choose to take this action for many reasons – avoiding insurance claims, evading arrest if they know they’re driving while drunk, or other reasons. Unfortunately, victims of a hit-and-run are left injured and unable to file a claim against an unknown negligent driver.

What Is a Hit a Run Accident?

If a driver doesn’t notify law enforcement after leaving the scene of an accident, they have committed a crime. And in the State of Nebraska, a motorist is not allowed to leave the scene of an accident where someone has been injured.

If someone is injured in an accident, the other driver is required to immediately stop their vehicle, present their vehicle operator’s license, and offer reasonable assistance. This may even involve transporting the injured person to a medical facility if they require treatment.

Why People Run Away from an Accident

People who run away from the scene of an accident are usually afraid of getting in some kind of trouble. In these cases, the driver may be:

  • Uninsured
  • Underage
  • Driving without a license
  • Under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Afraid of being arrested for outstanding warrants
  • Concerned about their immigration status

Steps to Take After a Hit and Run Accident

If your vehicle was hit in a hit-and-run, there are specific steps to take regarding filing an insurance claim:

  • Get immediate medical assistance. The health of you and your passengers is always the top priority, and getting first aid is vital.
  • Calling 911 will bring the police and an ambulance, both of which are crucial. A hit-and-run is a crime, and a police report will be needed for your insurance claim. Police reports provide the required evidence of the accident and help show that you were not at fault. But it is essential to deal only with facts. Do not admit any fault in the accident, as you may inadvertently harm your case.
  • Get medical care. An ambulance will provide any extra medical care, and at the least, will help get you and your passengers assessed by a qualified doctor.
  • Take notes. Because the offending vehicle isn’t there, write down anything you remember about the vehicle: it’s make, model, license plate (even partial), a description of the driver, what direction they went – any details you noticed are vital to an investigation.
  • Connect with any possible witnesses. If possible, see if anyone is around that witnessed the accident and obtain their contact information. Try to get them to stay until the police arrive, as the information they provide can help with any police investigation and as evidence in your claim.
  • Take photos. Take as many photos as you can while maintaining safety. Taking photos of the damage to your vehicle, any debris, surrounding conditions, and anything else that looks relevant is significant and useful.
  • Call your insurance agent. You will likely want to inform your insurance agent as soon as possible to get the claim process started. Don’t, however, admit to anything or provide anything but the simple, straight facts. Any admission of liability can be detrimental to your claim.
  • Call your lawyer. Because hit-and-run accidents are not always straightforward, an experienced car accident attorney is an essential piece of the puzzle in a hit and run case involving injuries.

Does My Insurance Cover a Hit-and-Run?

How your insurance covers a hit-and-run depends on what level of coverage you have. If you have DCPD coverage (Direct Compensation Auto Insurance – full coverage for accidents in which you are not at fault), you can likely get compensation with a zero-deductible. Otherwise, your compensation may come from your collision coverage – which usually has a deductible. If you were not at fault in the accident, filing an insurance claim should NOT raise your insurance premium.

If you were injured in an accident, you are likely eligible for additional compensation and need to retain the services of a qualified attorney. Once we take on a case, our team at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. will perform a thorough analysis to determine the amount of compensation you have a right to claim.

Compensation in a hit and run accident may include:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Time missed from work
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Rehabilitation
  • Home modifications to improve disability access

We’re You Harmed by a Careless Driver?

We pursue the maximum compensation for our clients. If your insurance company doesn’t offer you a reasonable settlement after you were injured in a hit and run accident, we can file a claim on your behalf.

Call Bottlinger Law L.L.C. today at (402) 505-8234  for a FREE consultation. You don’t owe us anything unless we win you a settlement.

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Posted in: Car Accidents

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