We Have Chosen a Winner!

When we put out the call for applications, the team at Bottlinger Law L.L.C. was amazed at the overwhelming response from America’s young adults. With over 1,820 applications to review, we had quite a large task ahead of ourselves to pick only a handful of you as finalists and then another hurdle to jump over with picking a winner. Each applicant offered a unique answer to our prompt and thoroughly explained why they selected their chosen school for the next stage of their life. Reading and re-reading your essays revealed to us not only the breadth of educational options available to students these days, but also the drive and determination that pushes young adults into exceptional careers.
But the announcement day has come, and we are so proud to share with all of you the name of the winner of the 3rd Annual “Bowties and Books” Scholarship.
Grace C. from Newbury Park, CA
…has been selected to win a $2,500 scholarship!
A warm congratulation to Grace. Her volunteer work at Vanderbilt University was truly inspiring, and we were impressed with her ability to merge her passion for music and healthcare. After hearing about her plans for her future, we cannot wait to see what she does next! To learn just what was it that captivated us about her essay, feel free to read it yourself, as well as the essays of other past winners.
To all our other finalists and applications, thank you for taking on this challenge! You each brought something exceptional to the discussion and sparked much debate about who should be the winner. You should all feel proud of yourselves for chasing after this opportunity and making a stand for your education. After reading your essays, we know that each of you has a bright future ahead of you and will make the best of the prospects that come your way.
Sometimes, you do not know where the road you’re on will take you, but if you stick to your passions and are open to change, you may end up at an unexpected, fulfilling destination. Attorney Jason Bottlinger did not plan on returning to Nebraska after graduating from law school and took the necessary time to discover his true calling: helping the people and communities he grew up with. So, while you did not win this day, do not doubt yourself or your goals, and never give up on what you want in life.
And remember, the “Bowties and Books” Scholarship is an annual award, so you are all more than welcome to apply again next year if you are still a student. For further updates on scholarship opportunities, please keep an eye on our blog and Facebook, and, as always, good luck!
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