Personal Injury Blog
The Role of Expert Witnesses in Car Accident Cases

In car accident cases, proving fault often hinges on eyewitness accounts, forensic analysis, and accident reconstruction. Yet, these can be subjective or inconclusive. Surveillance footage or black box data may provide clarity, but accessibility varies.
Read more about A t-bone car accident between two grey sedans.
Proving Negligence in a Truck Accident Case: What to Know

Proving negligence is a vital factor in personal injury claims, including truck accident cases involving serious or fatal injuries. Understanding how negligence is proven and its impact on personal injury law is a central issue when seeking full compensation for damages.
Read more about A semi truck that has been in a wreck.
Defensive Driving: Anticipating and Avoiding Road Hazards

Defensive driving is not simply a practice — it is a life-saving mindset. It involves constant vigilance, proactively mitigating risks, and anticipating potential hazards. By operating a vehicle with defensive driving techniques, drivers can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries.
Read more about Huge crack in a paved road.
What Are the Leading Causes of Bicycle Accidents?

Bicycling has become a popular mode of transportation in recent years due to heightened environmental consciousness, urban congestion, and an increasing emphasis on personal health. The recent advent of electric bicycles has also contributed to the growing popularity of cycling.
Read more about A woman on the ground in pain holding her leg next to a bicycle and a helmet. Man in the foreground stressed standing by his car.
How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Actually Take?

Legal proceedings related to personal injury cases in Nebraska can vary in duration and last from several months to several years. The extent of injuries, complexity of the case, and court schedules are some factors that can impact the duration of the proceedings.
Read more about A lawyer and another man shake hands over a table with a scale of justice, paperwork and a gavel.
Qui Tam Procedures: A Guide for Potential Plaintiffs

Imagine that an employee of a healthcare company discovers that it is overbilling Medicare. Acting as a whistleblower, the employee can file a qui tam lawsuit against the company on behalf of the government. Qui tam procedures serve a vital function in society by incentivizing individuals to expose wrongdoing and recover ill-gotten gains, thus safeguarding public resources.
Read more about A gavel and scale of justice on a wooden table.
Cruise Control and Winter Weather Driving

Never use cruise control on roads that may be slippery due to rainy, icy, or snowy conditions. Cruise control is a helpful technology that makes driving easier, but it should only be used in certain situations. Cruise control is most beneficial when you are traveling along mainly straight stretches of road where traffic is light, and there are many situations where you will want to avoid using it altogether.
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What Types of Defective Products Hurt People Most Often?

Product liability is a big part of ensuring consumer safety by emphasizing the accountability of manufacturers to ensure that their products are safe to use. If manufacturers fail in this responsibility, consumers may suffer from serious injuries. Hence, it is the responsibility of manufacturers to provide safe products to their consumers. Neglecting this duty can have severe consequences for consumers.
Read more about A man buckling his seatbelt.
How To Know Whether You Have a Negligent Security Claim

In our daily lives, we may take our safety and security for granted. However, when security measures fail, it can result in serious consequences. Negligent security is a legal concept that comes into play in cases in which inadequate security on a property leads to an injury or loss of life.
Read more about A man wearing a white shirt with black lettering that says security on the back going down an escalator.
Bedsores in Nursing Homes and What To Do About Them

As advocates for the well-being of our loved ones in nursing homes, it is crucial to address the prevalence of bedsores and take proactive steps to prevent and manage this often-avoidable condition. In the interest of preventing and identifying bedsore injuries, it is vital to understand their nature and the legal responsibilities of nursing homes in ensuring the health and comfort of their residents.
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